CLIM-E-DO - přeshraniční projekt
Ve čtvrtek před vánočními prázdninami se šesťáci poprvé setkali online se svými rakouskými protějšky při online setkání. Měsíc se připravovali a pilovali svá vystoupení v angličtině.
Děti se představily a řekly, co je zajímá, kolik je jim let …, také mluvily o své škole a o našem projektu.
Vše se podařilo, setkání bylo to velice milé a srdečné. Těšíme se, až se potkáme naživo v dubnu 2025.
Součástí setkání online byly i vzájemné otázky, máme vše zaznamenáno písemně:
Dear all,
thank you so much for the great meeting today and the excellent preparation. Your presentations have been marvellous and everyone did a great job.
I've typed along with the questions and answers from the students and am sending them to you here.
- When will you start with the project? --> We have started in September.
- How many students are in your class? --> 17 students
- Which languages do you speak? --> We speak English. And we will start German next year. And we speak Czech.
- How did you come up with the topic of your project? --> Because it’s cool and plastic is important.
- Does your class have any experience with products made from sorted waste (recycled materials)? --> No, but we started collecting plastic two months ago.
- Do you already try to bring food to school in boxes so that you don’t throw away packaging? --> 16 out of 25 people of our class bring lunches in their box.
- Have you ever been to the Czech Republic? --> 21 out of 25 have already been in Czech Republic.
- Do you wear uniforms to school sometimes? --> No, we don’t.
- Pottenbrunn: How many of you have already been to Austria? --> 10 of us were in Austria. Out of 17.
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a relaxing time with your families.
Best wishes, Viktoria
J. Janová
Řazení: Alba | Podle data